
The Seine in Paris France

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stress to the Max

I finally got the dieting thing under control, I'm not officially down 10 lbs and 2.5 inches, it's very exciting. Unfortunately, since the dieting thing started, I've been getting exceedingly angrier. I hate my roommate now, I love her but I so hate her. I don't know what it is about her but she is SERIOUSLY pissing me off and it's not just once of twice a week, it's about 5 times a day. I can't take it and I'm naturally angry as it is. I'm so worried she's going to piss me off to the point that I hit her. I dream about it all the time but thankfully I can hold back that side of my anger. I think it's time I go talk to a shrink or something - the school shrink because she might be able to get me out of this damn room. This is worse than I would imagine prison being. MUCH worse.

At first, my roommate just couldn't shut up. I could ignore that (it irritated the piss out of me but I could do it.) Now she has learned how to be quiet, but she's always complaining about having homework but she never stops watching tv. TV is loud, tv is annoying... I have a damn 10 page paper to do over a book I've tried reading at least 5 times but I never can because of her. The only subject I get peace and quiet for is English and I'll be damned if the girl doesn't walk in right as I'm in the freaking middle of writing. I've had the talk with her, about how she needs to shut the hell up and get the hell out of the room from time to time, but it's like my words were like a damn wind tunnel through her thick ass head. I'm being annoyed so much that I'm having a difficult time projecting my personal thoughts right now. If you can't blog because of one person, you've got some serious issues.

Posted as it was left in my drafts, lol-oops!

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