
The Seine in Paris France

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Operation Blubber Clubber Month 3

I haven't posted in awhile and I told myself I was going to blog everyday about my dieting.

If you read my last blog post, or at least the season 4 comment about RuPaul, you will know that I have found the ultimate cardiojam workout music ever. Every time I go to the gym, I listen to RuPaul's music and the jams make me dance outside of the gym... in the gym, I'll be doing leg presses on 250 (easy and comfortable) and start dancing... fast parts in the music, I go faster... when I'm on the treadmill during TrannyChasers, the "what's the T, now tell me what's the T" part is where I run and I do programs so I'm usually running up a hill until it's over... any music that keeps your whole body moving is a jam worth listening to. You burn more calories dancing and walking than you do just walking - think about it!

As for the dieting... the first 2 weeks were a bit tough to get used to but now, I can't eat much without filling full - my portion sizes have been cut in half, I'm eating healthy and more regularly, I'm taking my multivitamin and my Korean Ginseng and I swear, all I do is drink water - lol! I eat about 6 times a day- snacks are around 100 calories... a granola bar, oatmeal, stuff like that.

Now on for my sizing... I told you all when I started this diet - aka, demassification or as my best friend says, "it's time to go de-mass my ass." Lol - seriously- it's the only thing in science class I remember so we have to prove we learned one thing in school this year - we're only headed into our 6th year of college - no biggie! HAHA!

I'm going to list what it is, the first number is before the diet, the second is today's measurements:

Weight: 232lbs - 210lbs (not quite 25lbs)
Waist: 47' - 43'
Below Fat Roll (how original right? lol): 46' - 40.5'
Below Bust: 39.5' - 37'
I'm leaving the bust out of this game -lol!
Shoulder Span: 52' - 48' (and I'm only 65' tall :( I have football player shoulders)
Left Wing (upper arm lol): 14' (no change - lol)
Right Wing: 15' - 14.2' - I haven't decided if that's a good thing - because I'm pumping iron - shouldn't get smaller in my opinion lmao!
Left Forearm: 10.6' - 10.5' - yay! .1' difference -_- lmao
Right Forearm: 10.5' no change
Left Thigh: 27.5' - 25.5'
Right Thigh: 28' - 26' - funny story, my left leg is an inch shorter so my right does the most work lol!
Left Calve: 17' - 16.2'
Right Calve: 17' - 16'
Neck: 16' - 15'
Hips: 46' - 43'  - bye bye bootie... it was nice having you for extra padding :( and for holding up my already too big pants!

This is extremely embarrassing for me - a girl doesn't post her weight and she definitely doesn't do everything I just did... so please... I know I'm still big, but don't f'ing tell me... I hate stupid people more than anything and calling me fat doesn't make me cry like some people. I was raised by guys and I was raised to speak the true. I grew up around it so save your damn breath...

Anyone doing what I'm doing - the best of luck to you. If you're getting discouraged, find a friend to do it with you. My best friend joined me and she's also down 20lbs... it feels amazing to go to the gym and diet - DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!

Those just getting into the gym scene - work out, you can do it... you will be stiff and sore as hell in the morning, but don't pity yourself. It hurts, but I can assure you this... wait a day and go back to the gym. You need to wait the one day so you don't strain your muscles, but after that, go back to the gym... do the treadmill and the bike on a program - hills are better than straights - and up and down motions - hilly to flat- are even better. Make sure to not neglect your arms... lateral pull downs, low rows, light bench pressing, even using the 8lb dun bells to work your arms out. The first month of the gym is crucial, try to go three times a week... after the first week you won't be sore. Also, before bed try doing 25 sit-ups and 25 crunches...when you've dieted and exercised long enough, go to 50... it's okay if you can't make it to 25 but make that your goal... small steps and you'll go far... don't set your goals too high or you WILL fail! You can do it and if you need to talk, just email me at cmococo@gmail.com - seriously - you spam me and I'll be beyond pissed off at you!

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