I haven't posted in awhile and I told myself I was going to blog everyday about my dieting.
If you read my last blog post, or at least the season 4 comment about RuPaul, you will know that I have found the ultimate cardiojam workout music ever. Every time I go to the gym, I listen to RuPaul's music and the jams make me dance outside of the gym... in the gym, I'll be doing leg presses on 250 (easy and comfortable) and start dancing... fast parts in the music, I go faster... when I'm on the treadmill during TrannyChasers, the "what's the T, now tell me what's the T" part is where I run and I do programs so I'm usually running up a hill until it's over... any music that keeps your whole body moving is a jam worth listening to. You burn more calories dancing and walking than you do just walking - think about it!
As for the dieting... the first 2 weeks were a bit tough to get used to but now, I can't eat much without filling full - my portion sizes have been cut in half, I'm eating healthy and more regularly, I'm taking my multivitamin and my Korean Ginseng and I swear, all I do is drink water - lol! I eat about 6 times a day- snacks are around 100 calories... a granola bar, oatmeal, stuff like that.
Now on for my sizing... I told you all when I started this diet - aka, demassification or as my best friend says, "it's time to go de-mass my ass." Lol - seriously- it's the only thing in science class I remember so we have to prove we learned one thing in school this year - we're only headed into our 6th year of college - no biggie! HAHA!
I'm going to list what it is, the first number is before the diet, the second is today's measurements:
Weight: 232lbs - 210lbs (not quite 25lbs)
Waist: 47' - 43'
Below Fat Roll (how original right? lol): 46' - 40.5'
Below Bust: 39.5' - 37'
I'm leaving the bust out of this game -lol!
Shoulder Span: 52' - 48' (and I'm only 65' tall :( I have football player shoulders)
Left Wing (upper arm lol): 14' (no change - lol)
Right Wing: 15' - 14.2' - I haven't decided if that's a good thing - because I'm pumping iron - shouldn't get smaller in my opinion lmao!
Left Forearm: 10.6' - 10.5' - yay! .1' difference -_- lmao
Right Forearm: 10.5' no change
Left Thigh: 27.5' - 25.5'
Right Thigh: 28' - 26' - funny story, my left leg is an inch shorter so my right does the most work lol!
Left Calve: 17' - 16.2'
Right Calve: 17' - 16'
Neck: 16' - 15'
Hips: 46' - 43' - bye bye bootie... it was nice having you for extra padding :( and for holding up my already too big pants!
This is extremely embarrassing for me - a girl doesn't post her weight and she definitely doesn't do everything I just did... so please... I know I'm still big, but don't f'ing tell me... I hate stupid people more than anything and calling me fat doesn't make me cry like some people. I was raised by guys and I was raised to speak the true. I grew up around it so save your damn breath...
Anyone doing what I'm doing - the best of luck to you. If you're getting discouraged, find a friend to do it with you. My best friend joined me and she's also down 20lbs... it feels amazing to go to the gym and diet - DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!
Those just getting into the gym scene - work out, you can do it... you will be stiff and sore as hell in the morning, but don't pity yourself. It hurts, but I can assure you this... wait a day and go back to the gym. You need to wait the one day so you don't strain your muscles, but after that, go back to the gym... do the treadmill and the bike on a program - hills are better than straights - and up and down motions - hilly to flat- are even better. Make sure to not neglect your arms... lateral pull downs, low rows, light bench pressing, even using the 8lb dun bells to work your arms out. The first month of the gym is crucial, try to go three times a week... after the first week you won't be sore. Also, before bed try doing 25 sit-ups and 25 crunches...when you've dieted and exercised long enough, go to 50... it's okay if you can't make it to 25 but make that your goal... small steps and you'll go far... don't set your goals too high or you WILL fail! You can do it and if you need to talk, just email me at cmococo@gmail.com - seriously - you spam me and I'll be beyond pissed off at you!
The world is where I get my inspiration, what I have learned from, and how I continue to become a better me. It's me, it's how I see the world, how I see my not so good days, but most of all, it's just my life, usually running in spirals.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
RuPaul's Drag Race
Okay, I have an avid addiction. It's not your typical thing, smoking (okay, I'm a smoker - I lied on that one), drinking, drugs - anything like that - except cigarettes - and even then... I'm not really addicted... anywho, getting side tracked here; my addiction is a television show, RuPaul's Drag Race on logotv.com. I discovered this show very late, in fact, I didn't get into the show until season 3 was done with. I learned by reruns and I've seen almost (maybe 6 aired shows missing) episode there is so far. I don't know what it is about this show that keeps me in tune every Monday night (for the chat- colleges don't have LogoTV because they suck ass like that); I'm thinking it's to do with them being PH!erce (fierce if you choose), the challenges and random shit they say during them or... if it's the constant nagging/bitching. I'm sorry if you're offended by my word choices- I swear sometimes.
For you to understand my next post, I must tell you all who my favorites from each season are as well as my 2 All-Star Girls.
Season One:
RuPaul - the queen that started it all; a non-competitor but she's getting the name of drag out in the world and I love Ru for everything this ladyboy does. Inspires so many people around the world - hell, yall know Ru... if you don't - "you betta werk" ...work your damn way to google for some research.
Bebe Zahara Benet - yes, I know it's so typical to choose the winner of the season, but she's such a sweet and genuine person and I love that she embraces who she truly is - A fierce African Lady-Boy all the way from Cameroon. (Which is a song on youtube - you all should go listen to it... it's FAB-U-LOUS!!!)
Shannel - she was bitchy, but she brought theatre to the show. When she says she's a show girl, she means it and I would absolutely love to see her perform. I don't think anyone has ever loathed Santino so much on the show - lol!
Jade Sotomayer and Ongina - These two queens are tied and for all the right reasons. Both are beautiful on the inside and out, both can perform like no other (seriously - Ongina's "If I Were A Boy" by Beyonce' is to die for - AMAZING! Jade is an amazing dancer.) I seriously think both were booted for the wrong reason but that's life... Now, if you watch(ed) the show, Ongina will tear your heart out - no spoilers, but she is beyond fierce, a true lady boy.
Season 2:
Hmmmm.... which trannychaser do I like the best? Yes, that's right RuPaul's Starrbooty Episode... all time favorite episode ... I think!
RuPaul - seriously, I live for Ru... 2 seasons in a row and still the winner - I gag on this lady boy's eleganza and I'd die to meet him. Did I mention that you can buy Seasons 2 and 3 online - Amazon and I bet logotv.com also sells them... You should get to watching and I'm not sure why season 1 isn't on DVD - it's weird!
Raven - need I say more? The lady boy is gorgeous in all the right places. He's eye candy for the soul and although kinda bitchy (my forte) he's actually nice. Liking Raven leads to one thing and that is... my dear friends...hunger... hunger for more!
Morgan McMichaels - I seen RuPaul's Drag U first and she kind of freaked me out, but then season 2 FINALLY re-aired on Logo TV and that is when I seen the amazing performance. Morgan can dance - booty pop once you'll be out of cash. That's not all, Morgan is fierce as hell... she can perform and turn up the heat. LOVE her!
Now, I can't go without this one, and that one would be Jujubee... HAAAA, I love me some Jujubee! This one has spunk and spunk gets you places... she might not be the best dancer, but the girl can make some moves up and work with what she has and to me, that's talent. She's also Raven's frenemy on RuPaul's Drag U - always snatching things from each other and I love it! Eat your heart out (ps... Juju can cook :O)
Season 3:
It's really hard to choose your favorite on this show... you basically get to the last episode and go... huh... now that I think about it... my favorite is... for 85% of the season, I was all over Team Manila but when I got to thinking, I asked what the hell I was thinking. I hate going to the typical #1 favorite and although Manila is extremely talented and should have won... it's nothing to compare to what Yara has.
RuPaul - did you expect this to change? Ru is the queen of queens! OH, Ru also has several amazing music albums out - you can buy them on i-tunes and you should because they're amazing and to die for! Glamazon is my personal favorite - but my love the song SuperModel <3
All-Star #1: Straight from the island of Puerto Rico: Yara Sophia - A new look and form of drag. Yes, it's high glam; yes, it's body-ody-ody; yes, it's different; and YES, it's worth paying to go see a performance with Yara in it. Yara is the spirit of this season; she's such a sweet heart and so caring. I love who she really is, and unlike many others, she has not forgotten her fans at all. Don't believe me... go like every queen from the show and say 'hi' to all of them... she'll more than likely be the only one that responds and trust, she's busy! You will love her, you will cry for her on the show, you will yell at the tv/computer but you will walk away from the season thinking the same as I did. "Echa Pa'Lante," go forward - now if that's not a quote from the gods, then I don't know what is. I love you Yara Sophia!
Manila Luzon - I bet you all had a feeling this was coming! I'm not the biggest fan of her anymore, but I would pay to see a performance. She kind of messed up with a few of the things she has said online and that would be why I have lost some respect for her. None-the-less, Manila IS high-fashion; she's from New York (now), so what would you expect? LOL... Manila is a damn goof-ball, she's witty, has faces of the gods, and she loves shoes - Snatch Game - bing bing bing! She won the most challenges overall on the show, which is why I say she *SHOULD* have one- nothing beats statistics and sorry Raja - I still love you gurl! If you want some insiders on what the show does to the queens, like Miss Luzon on youtube- seriously, go! She also has a new single out and although it's repetitive and an auto-tune-blessing, you should listen to it - Hot Couture ... love it!
Alexis Mateo - Puerto Rican and proud of it... I love Alexis. She has a soft heart and was well deserving of her making it into the top 3 - contrary to others beliefs ... she can dance, she does her best to keep up with the fans, and she's a lovely pageant queen. LOVE HER!
Now for the most recent season - it's up to the top 4 with one being added to the show for the next episode (gosh dern it, I hope it's Kenya - lol!)
Season 4:
This is the first season I've watched when it was airing for the first time so it's so exciting to get to actually watch it with everyone and participate in the games and chat on logo- I live for this on Monday nights and I don't care if I have homework - this is my time to myself - lol!
DUH...RuPaul - he's more than talented, she's witty and intelligent - a serious spokes person and actor/singer. I love Ru! If you download some of Ru's songs and listen to them at the gym, the music will keep you moving. I did and so far... I've lost 25 lbs and 5 inches off my waistline. "Don't Be Jealous Of My Boogie!" You can work out with Ru too ^_^
All-Star #2: Phi Phi O'Hara... oh many is she bitchy on the show, but I was fortunate enough to get to kind of know her through facebook before the show. I'll unfortunately admit, that should you watch the show, the odds are higher that you'll dislike her. She's shady but she's real and I respect a person for that. I don't know why so many people call her dumb though, she's very intelligent - out of drag she's an optometrist. Phi Phi is down to earth and I think I know that should you meet her in person, if you're lucky like that unlike me, she will either read you down the house, "go back to party city where you belong," OR she will be your best friend. Seriously though - if I meet Yara or Phi Phi, I'll probably faint... I love people that have real talent (both sew, perform, improve all the time, LISTEN, learn, and genuinely care (even though so many fail to believe Phi Phi cares- she does fools!)) Now what kind of person would Phi Phi be without and accomplice...?
Kenya Michaels (another talented Puerto Rican)- Booted unfairly after an epic failed impersonation of Beyonce (the swifer sweeper dusted her off the stage :'(O that's me crying loudly). Kenya is straight fish - if you didn't know she was really a boy, you would have never guessed. She's spicy and so good at what she does - in some way, she really reminds me of Yara Sophia. "I like to move my body when I design" and she does just that - Kenya is Starrbooty-licious... no joke! She is a dancer and also brings a theatrical perspective to many of her performances - hint: madagascar and also the cobra costume - these two videos will make your mouth DROP!!! Kenya, I love you, I hope you come back and I had you in my fantasy drag team until you got the unfair boot- woo #TeamKenyaMichaels... <3 did I mention that Kenya is just barely 5 ft? Yes, she's adorable and tiny and even I want to give her a hug. I will say that you'll cry for her... especially in the last Untucked Episode she's in, Sharon tells her that she made no god-damned sense... Kenya cries and says something along the lines, "Every day I wake up to RuPaul Drag Race, it's a fight with myself. You don't understand me? I don't understand any of you." Poor baby :'( I felt so sorry for Kenya and I'm so glad she said that because now I have an even greater respect for the Puerto Rican queens!
----P.S. If you're a hater of any person with a fan/phan page, don't be dumb and go to their page and say something rude like you're tough shit; you're not and all it does is piss off their fans/phans and cause a big brouhaha... pointless - quit wasting your time on 2 cents... pennies don't fit in a star hole - sorry - quit trying to force them into a space that doesn't want that fake copper crap!
Sharon Needles - I know, funny that I like both Phi Phi and Sharon being that they're the biggest frenemies of them all... Sharon: "Tired ass, over-painted, showgirl!" Phi Phi: "At least I am a showgirl bitch..." hahaha, I live for these two. Now, the reason I like Sharon is that she is real as well... she's passionate, caring, but the main reason, is that she's not a showgirl... she's different... now, the high-glam that I think of, is looking like a woman with a couture(ish) outfit, so my explanation of high-glam doesn't suite Sharon at all - she's not a fishy (look like a woman) queen, but she does pull off the Freak-Show Glam look - you are glamorous Sharon and I love that you're spooky and love people with plastic surgery - everyone needs a little loving from time to time. Did I mention - Sharon, even though she says she's beautiful, spooky and stupid, the bitch is actually damn smart! She said that she was tired of always being smart as boy, lol... I guess you have to let your stupid out sometimes. If that's honestly her version of stupid, than I much be beyond help, because I think she's rather witty in her comebacks ;) Sorry Phi Phi - lol. (I'm so glad these two are friends now though!)
Last, but not least; Large and in Charge, Chunky yet Funky, Miss Latrice Royale. You will live for this queen - don't let first impressions fool you because I did and I was blown completely away by Miss Latrice... she is so beautiful and brings a knowledge of drag that the younger queens definitely needed. "Jesus is a biscuit, let him sop you up." Every reality tv show needs 3 things to be complete: Mama Bear, the bitch, and the odd one... well I like all three of these from this season. Latrice is the seasons wise Mama Bear and don't you act no fool because Latrice will not have it. Respect all of the time, and she'll tell the girls how it is in the episode after the Snatch Games. I love Latrice! She is a big girl, and guess what? The b.i.t.c.h ("Being. In. Total. Control. Of. Herself.") is in the top 4... that's right, FINALLY a big girl made it to the top and I'm gonna tell you what, she EARNED that spot! It's also nice to see one of the older queens - no offense girl - all love, doing as well as she is doing (as well as Chad Michaels-also an older queen, Celebrity [mostly Cher] Impersonator, who is also in the top 4.) Latrice, you are in my fantasy drag team and I live for it AND eat it! "The shade of it all" and this girl comes painted - be prepared to watch the first big girl win. I might be all up Team Phi Phi but I honestly hope Latrice wins that damn crown - #BigMamaForTheWin
For you to understand my next post, I must tell you all who my favorites from each season are as well as my 2 All-Star Girls.
Season One:
RuPaul - the queen that started it all; a non-competitor but she's getting the name of drag out in the world and I love Ru for everything this ladyboy does. Inspires so many people around the world - hell, yall know Ru... if you don't - "you betta werk" ...work your damn way to google for some research.
Bebe Zahara Benet - yes, I know it's so typical to choose the winner of the season, but she's such a sweet and genuine person and I love that she embraces who she truly is - A fierce African Lady-Boy all the way from Cameroon. (Which is a song on youtube - you all should go listen to it... it's FAB-U-LOUS!!!)
Shannel - she was bitchy, but she brought theatre to the show. When she says she's a show girl, she means it and I would absolutely love to see her perform. I don't think anyone has ever loathed Santino so much on the show - lol!
Jade Sotomayer and Ongina - These two queens are tied and for all the right reasons. Both are beautiful on the inside and out, both can perform like no other (seriously - Ongina's "If I Were A Boy" by Beyonce' is to die for - AMAZING! Jade is an amazing dancer.) I seriously think both were booted for the wrong reason but that's life... Now, if you watch(ed) the show, Ongina will tear your heart out - no spoilers, but she is beyond fierce, a true lady boy.
Season 2:
Hmmmm.... which trannychaser do I like the best? Yes, that's right RuPaul's Starrbooty Episode... all time favorite episode ... I think!
RuPaul - seriously, I live for Ru... 2 seasons in a row and still the winner - I gag on this lady boy's eleganza and I'd die to meet him. Did I mention that you can buy Seasons 2 and 3 online - Amazon and I bet logotv.com also sells them... You should get to watching and I'm not sure why season 1 isn't on DVD - it's weird!
Raven - need I say more? The lady boy is gorgeous in all the right places. He's eye candy for the soul and although kinda bitchy (my forte) he's actually nice. Liking Raven leads to one thing and that is... my dear friends...hunger... hunger for more!
Morgan McMichaels - I seen RuPaul's Drag U first and she kind of freaked me out, but then season 2 FINALLY re-aired on Logo TV and that is when I seen the amazing performance. Morgan can dance - booty pop once you'll be out of cash. That's not all, Morgan is fierce as hell... she can perform and turn up the heat. LOVE her!
Now, I can't go without this one, and that one would be Jujubee... HAAAA, I love me some Jujubee! This one has spunk and spunk gets you places... she might not be the best dancer, but the girl can make some moves up and work with what she has and to me, that's talent. She's also Raven's frenemy on RuPaul's Drag U - always snatching things from each other and I love it! Eat your heart out (ps... Juju can cook :O)
Season 3:
It's really hard to choose your favorite on this show... you basically get to the last episode and go... huh... now that I think about it... my favorite is... for 85% of the season, I was all over Team Manila but when I got to thinking, I asked what the hell I was thinking. I hate going to the typical #1 favorite and although Manila is extremely talented and should have won... it's nothing to compare to what Yara has.
RuPaul - did you expect this to change? Ru is the queen of queens! OH, Ru also has several amazing music albums out - you can buy them on i-tunes and you should because they're amazing and to die for! Glamazon is my personal favorite - but my love the song SuperModel <3
All-Star #1: Straight from the island of Puerto Rico: Yara Sophia - A new look and form of drag. Yes, it's high glam; yes, it's body-ody-ody; yes, it's different; and YES, it's worth paying to go see a performance with Yara in it. Yara is the spirit of this season; she's such a sweet heart and so caring. I love who she really is, and unlike many others, she has not forgotten her fans at all. Don't believe me... go like every queen from the show and say 'hi' to all of them... she'll more than likely be the only one that responds and trust, she's busy! You will love her, you will cry for her on the show, you will yell at the tv/computer but you will walk away from the season thinking the same as I did. "Echa Pa'Lante," go forward - now if that's not a quote from the gods, then I don't know what is. I love you Yara Sophia!
Manila Luzon - I bet you all had a feeling this was coming! I'm not the biggest fan of her anymore, but I would pay to see a performance. She kind of messed up with a few of the things she has said online and that would be why I have lost some respect for her. None-the-less, Manila IS high-fashion; she's from New York (now), so what would you expect? LOL... Manila is a damn goof-ball, she's witty, has faces of the gods, and she loves shoes - Snatch Game - bing bing bing! She won the most challenges overall on the show, which is why I say she *SHOULD* have one- nothing beats statistics and sorry Raja - I still love you gurl! If you want some insiders on what the show does to the queens, like Miss Luzon on youtube- seriously, go! She also has a new single out and although it's repetitive and an auto-tune-blessing, you should listen to it - Hot Couture ... love it!
Alexis Mateo - Puerto Rican and proud of it... I love Alexis. She has a soft heart and was well deserving of her making it into the top 3 - contrary to others beliefs ... she can dance, she does her best to keep up with the fans, and she's a lovely pageant queen. LOVE HER!
Now for the most recent season - it's up to the top 4 with one being added to the show for the next episode (gosh dern it, I hope it's Kenya - lol!)
Season 4:
This is the first season I've watched when it was airing for the first time so it's so exciting to get to actually watch it with everyone and participate in the games and chat on logo- I live for this on Monday nights and I don't care if I have homework - this is my time to myself - lol!
DUH...RuPaul - he's more than talented, she's witty and intelligent - a serious spokes person and actor/singer. I love Ru! If you download some of Ru's songs and listen to them at the gym, the music will keep you moving. I did and so far... I've lost 25 lbs and 5 inches off my waistline. "Don't Be Jealous Of My Boogie!" You can work out with Ru too ^_^
All-Star #2: Phi Phi O'Hara... oh many is she bitchy on the show, but I was fortunate enough to get to kind of know her through facebook before the show. I'll unfortunately admit, that should you watch the show, the odds are higher that you'll dislike her. She's shady but she's real and I respect a person for that. I don't know why so many people call her dumb though, she's very intelligent - out of drag she's an optometrist. Phi Phi is down to earth and I think I know that should you meet her in person, if you're lucky like that unlike me, she will either read you down the house, "go back to party city where you belong," OR she will be your best friend. Seriously though - if I meet Yara or Phi Phi, I'll probably faint... I love people that have real talent (both sew, perform, improve all the time, LISTEN, learn, and genuinely care (even though so many fail to believe Phi Phi cares- she does fools!)) Now what kind of person would Phi Phi be without and accomplice...?
Kenya Michaels (another talented Puerto Rican)- Booted unfairly after an epic failed impersonation of Beyonce (the swifer sweeper dusted her off the stage :'(O that's me crying loudly). Kenya is straight fish - if you didn't know she was really a boy, you would have never guessed. She's spicy and so good at what she does - in some way, she really reminds me of Yara Sophia. "I like to move my body when I design" and she does just that - Kenya is Starrbooty-licious... no joke! She is a dancer and also brings a theatrical perspective to many of her performances - hint: madagascar and also the cobra costume - these two videos will make your mouth DROP!!! Kenya, I love you, I hope you come back and I had you in my fantasy drag team until you got the unfair boot- woo #TeamKenyaMichaels... <3 did I mention that Kenya is just barely 5 ft? Yes, she's adorable and tiny and even I want to give her a hug. I will say that you'll cry for her... especially in the last Untucked Episode she's in, Sharon tells her that she made no god-damned sense... Kenya cries and says something along the lines, "Every day I wake up to RuPaul Drag Race, it's a fight with myself. You don't understand me? I don't understand any of you." Poor baby :'( I felt so sorry for Kenya and I'm so glad she said that because now I have an even greater respect for the Puerto Rican queens!
----P.S. If you're a hater of any person with a fan/phan page, don't be dumb and go to their page and say something rude like you're tough shit; you're not and all it does is piss off their fans/phans and cause a big brouhaha... pointless - quit wasting your time on 2 cents... pennies don't fit in a star hole - sorry - quit trying to force them into a space that doesn't want that fake copper crap!
Sharon Needles - I know, funny that I like both Phi Phi and Sharon being that they're the biggest frenemies of them all... Sharon: "Tired ass, over-painted, showgirl!" Phi Phi: "At least I am a showgirl bitch..." hahaha, I live for these two. Now, the reason I like Sharon is that she is real as well... she's passionate, caring, but the main reason, is that she's not a showgirl... she's different... now, the high-glam that I think of, is looking like a woman with a couture(ish) outfit, so my explanation of high-glam doesn't suite Sharon at all - she's not a fishy (look like a woman) queen, but she does pull off the Freak-Show Glam look - you are glamorous Sharon and I love that you're spooky and love people with plastic surgery - everyone needs a little loving from time to time. Did I mention - Sharon, even though she says she's beautiful, spooky and stupid, the bitch is actually damn smart! She said that she was tired of always being smart as boy, lol... I guess you have to let your stupid out sometimes. If that's honestly her version of stupid, than I much be beyond help, because I think she's rather witty in her comebacks ;) Sorry Phi Phi - lol. (I'm so glad these two are friends now though!)
Last, but not least; Large and in Charge, Chunky yet Funky, Miss Latrice Royale. You will live for this queen - don't let first impressions fool you because I did and I was blown completely away by Miss Latrice... she is so beautiful and brings a knowledge of drag that the younger queens definitely needed. "Jesus is a biscuit, let him sop you up." Every reality tv show needs 3 things to be complete: Mama Bear, the bitch, and the odd one... well I like all three of these from this season. Latrice is the seasons wise Mama Bear and don't you act no fool because Latrice will not have it. Respect all of the time, and she'll tell the girls how it is in the episode after the Snatch Games. I love Latrice! She is a big girl, and guess what? The b.i.t.c.h ("Being. In. Total. Control. Of. Herself.") is in the top 4... that's right, FINALLY a big girl made it to the top and I'm gonna tell you what, she EARNED that spot! It's also nice to see one of the older queens - no offense girl - all love, doing as well as she is doing (as well as Chad Michaels-also an older queen, Celebrity [mostly Cher] Impersonator, who is also in the top 4.) Latrice, you are in my fantasy drag team and I live for it AND eat it! "The shade of it all" and this girl comes painted - be prepared to watch the first big girl win. I might be all up Team Phi Phi but I honestly hope Latrice wins that damn crown - #BigMamaForTheWin
Stress to the Max
I finally got the dieting thing under control, I'm not officially down 10 lbs and 2.5 inches, it's very exciting. Unfortunately, since the dieting thing started, I've been getting exceedingly angrier. I hate my roommate now, I love her but I so hate her. I don't know what it is about her but she is SERIOUSLY pissing me off and it's not just once of twice a week, it's about 5 times a day. I can't take it and I'm naturally angry as it is. I'm so worried she's going to piss me off to the point that I hit her. I dream about it all the time but thankfully I can hold back that side of my anger. I think it's time I go talk to a shrink or something - the school shrink because she might be able to get me out of this damn room. This is worse than I would imagine prison being. MUCH worse.
At first, my roommate just couldn't shut up. I could ignore that (it irritated the piss out of me but I could do it.) Now she has learned how to be quiet, but she's always complaining about having homework but she never stops watching tv. TV is loud, tv is annoying... I have a damn 10 page paper to do over a book I've tried reading at least 5 times but I never can because of her. The only subject I get peace and quiet for is English and I'll be damned if the girl doesn't walk in right as I'm in the freaking middle of writing. I've had the talk with her, about how she needs to shut the hell up and get the hell out of the room from time to time, but it's like my words were like a damn wind tunnel through her thick ass head. I'm being annoyed so much that I'm having a difficult time projecting my personal thoughts right now. If you can't blog because of one person, you've got some serious issues.
Posted as it was left in my drafts, lol-oops!
At first, my roommate just couldn't shut up. I could ignore that (it irritated the piss out of me but I could do it.) Now she has learned how to be quiet, but she's always complaining about having homework but she never stops watching tv. TV is loud, tv is annoying... I have a damn 10 page paper to do over a book I've tried reading at least 5 times but I never can because of her. The only subject I get peace and quiet for is English and I'll be damned if the girl doesn't walk in right as I'm in the freaking middle of writing. I've had the talk with her, about how she needs to shut the hell up and get the hell out of the room from time to time, but it's like my words were like a damn wind tunnel through her thick ass head. I'm being annoyed so much that I'm having a difficult time projecting my personal thoughts right now. If you can't blog because of one person, you've got some serious issues.
Posted as it was left in my drafts, lol-oops!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Operation Blubber Clubber Day 1
As you all have hopefully seen in my last blog, I have decided to change my lifestyle. The start of my day was unfortunately not eventful but as my friends and I went to brunch at the school cafeteria, I surprisingly reminded myself of the importance of today. No! Think about it before you get in any of the lines. I went and got into the line with the steamed vegetables and spaghetti. I know, spaghetti isn't exactly a good thing for me but I knew that today was a big day. I didn't want to start my diet off with rabbit food or tasteless boring food. Instead, I wanted to start my new diet off with food that I like to eat because if I don't learn how to eat my favorite foods than I'll never get this diet to work. I know myself all too well sometimes but that is a good thing. I ate spaghetti and vegetables and drank water, yes, water. I usually skip the veggies, go straight to the soda and eat until I'm beyond full. Today, I had one plate, only one, I was still a little on the hungry side, but I left any way. I entered my meal into the calorie counter and *drum roll please*, 608 calories. I usually eat 2000 calories in one meal so this is a HUGE improvement. If I cut my portions down now, who knows, in a week, I might be cutting those portions down. I don't want to starve, I don't want to give up on food I like, I just want to be a lot healthier in my choices that I make. I don't wish to be 120 lbs, I just want to be healthy. My goal right now is to get down to 200 lbs. I know that is still "fat" but that's 32 lbs of fat gone. That's a huge deal to someone my size. After I ate, I immediately started rearranging the room. I worked tirelessly for 6 hours just moving the room around. That's a lot of lifting moving around the room constantly, pushing well over 100+ lbs, and in my exercise section of the calorie counter, I only said I walked lightly for 2 hours. As you see, I did more, but I gave the benefit of the doubt. For dinner, I ate a small portion of roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, broccoli and a honey crisp apple for dessert. Sounds like a lot, but once again, I was still hungry after I left, but I'm okay with that. 647 Calories total for dinner. So far, at 9:21pm I am at 1465, I forgot about my apple I had at dinner and had to add it to the calorie counter - lol. I could totally eat 5 granola bars and still be under my 2000 set limit. Don't worry, I'm not going to do that. My granola bars are for when I take my meds at night because I have to eat when I take them because I get sick if I don't. I so hope tomorrow goes better than today but I'm definitely not ashamed of how well it went. Tomorrow is when the study exercising begins. I will be going on the bike for when I need to highlight in books and when I just have to read, I'll be on the treadmill. I'm also hoping to be able to read on the climber. I need to take it slow at the start of my workout plan, but who knows, maybe when I am doing this in 3 weeks I might be able to last longer on the exercise equipment.
Who's proud? I AM!
If this diet really works, I so hope to share this with college friends. They're seeing my attitude and it's so different. I'm not going to the dessert bar, I'm making one stop for food and one stop for a nice refreshing H2O! BLAM!
Who's proud? I AM!
If this diet really works, I so hope to share this with college friends. They're seeing my attitude and it's so different. I'm not going to the dessert bar, I'm making one stop for food and one stop for a nice refreshing H2O! BLAM!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Operation Blubber Clubber
I don't have low self-esteem issues, I'm not depressed, mad - absolutely, but I have started to really notice my size and lets face it, my meds are turning me into a fatty. I haven't always been a big girl, but I have never minded being one. I mind that I can't go up 4 flights of stairs without resuming the fat person leaning against the wall, gasping for air and water. Don't get me wrong, it makes me laugh, but I remember 5 years ago when I first started college and I could quite literally run up the stairs, not need water or have to gasp for air. I was kind of big... size 11-13 pants and let me tell you I was extremely happy. Now, I'm kicking it in size 18 jeans and I'm attempting to actually get away with the muffin top and it's so not cute.
My appearance is not beautiful. My thoughts are still that I just don't care what other people think about me but ... it's not really bothering other people now... it's bothering me. I keep talking about the past; how I used to be skinny, how I used to do gymnastics, I could climb a rope without knots in it with no problem at all, I played softball, football, danced minimally and I was always outside having a jolly time. I wrestled, I was in track and could run the mile - not quickly, but I could do it without having to stop and breath. Ever since my accident in track 9 years ago, I have been full of excuses... I can't do that, it hurts too bad; I can't do that anymore because my arm isn't strong enough anymore. You know what, I screwed the muscle up and yes, I know that I can't do SOME of the things like I used to be able to do... I can't do the lateral pull-downs, bench press, or unsupported bicep curls but I can do other things to strengthen my right arm. Even if I have to do curls for an hour while my elbow rests on a support, I will do it. But the think I was thinking of the most was how to incorporate my school work with my absolutely need to do some form of exercise. I'm going to be diagnosed with something incurable if I don't stop my habits now. I finally got myself to that point where I can manage time so what better time than now? That's right... there isn't a better time. It's all about the way I eat and getting the exercise I've long since been needing. If any of you have a workout plan that would work for a college student that lives in the dorm, comment away. I'm beyond desperate.
Here is what I have in mind for "Operation Blubber Clubber:" 1. Eat healthier and LESS portions but keep up with the water and drop soda like it's hot - I know getting something more nutrient rich, like gatorade, is important as well but mostly - water. 2. If I need to read a book for class, well... why not move while doing it? There is a free gym on campus and what better to do than walk (for now) on a treadmill or hop on the bike if I have to highlight. That alone would help - I'm a history major and I'm in 2 history classes, english, math and science. I have things to do all the time. In the mornings, I could do 5 standing crunches for every article of clothing I put on and when it comes time for me to have to take my meds, I won't eat a full meal. I'm going to buy some granola bars, but I'll have to hide them from my roommate because that girl ate ALL of them the last time I bought them... shhhhhheesh. I can't do the whole fiber diet because I'm in class and fiber can be dangerous if you can't go when you have to go - lol. I can try a diet pill of some sort but they all sound the same to me and I just don't know how a simple little pill can really help a girl in my situation. I am currently taking One-a-Day Women's Active Metabolism vitamin and it says Dietary Supplement so maybe I should just stick with that because I don't want to over dose on dietary supplements - lol... that would be bad.
My goal is to lose weight the right way and I am recruiting friends of mine to join with me. I mean, every college student could use the exercise. Especially my friends- no offense, we're some lazy people- lol. I want to graduate from college and be able to say that I lose weight. Be proud to look at myself in the mirror again and feel better about myself over all. If I get any bigger, I know I'll end up hitting a huge depression. I'm currently 232 lbs. Yes, I'm a woman and I not only told my pant size- which is probably more like size 20 than 18, lol, but I told my weight. This is embarrassing for me but I will do what I need to do in order to lose the weight.
I don't regret this choice I have made. I think if Operation Blubber Clubber actually starts to work, I'm going to buy myself my very first ipod so I can listen to my jams (wished I could just get Pandora radio) while working out.
Wish me luck... this girl is on a mission and I truly hope that the next time I blog I will have started the operation or even better, lost some weight. A step-by-step might even be in order. I'm going to start right now- salad... here I come!!! BLAM!!!!
My appearance is not beautiful. My thoughts are still that I just don't care what other people think about me but ... it's not really bothering other people now... it's bothering me. I keep talking about the past; how I used to be skinny, how I used to do gymnastics, I could climb a rope without knots in it with no problem at all, I played softball, football, danced minimally and I was always outside having a jolly time. I wrestled, I was in track and could run the mile - not quickly, but I could do it without having to stop and breath. Ever since my accident in track 9 years ago, I have been full of excuses... I can't do that, it hurts too bad; I can't do that anymore because my arm isn't strong enough anymore. You know what, I screwed the muscle up and yes, I know that I can't do SOME of the things like I used to be able to do... I can't do the lateral pull-downs, bench press, or unsupported bicep curls but I can do other things to strengthen my right arm. Even if I have to do curls for an hour while my elbow rests on a support, I will do it. But the think I was thinking of the most was how to incorporate my school work with my absolutely need to do some form of exercise. I'm going to be diagnosed with something incurable if I don't stop my habits now. I finally got myself to that point where I can manage time so what better time than now? That's right... there isn't a better time. It's all about the way I eat and getting the exercise I've long since been needing. If any of you have a workout plan that would work for a college student that lives in the dorm, comment away. I'm beyond desperate.
Here is what I have in mind for "Operation Blubber Clubber:" 1. Eat healthier and LESS portions but keep up with the water and drop soda like it's hot - I know getting something more nutrient rich, like gatorade, is important as well but mostly - water. 2. If I need to read a book for class, well... why not move while doing it? There is a free gym on campus and what better to do than walk (for now) on a treadmill or hop on the bike if I have to highlight. That alone would help - I'm a history major and I'm in 2 history classes, english, math and science. I have things to do all the time. In the mornings, I could do 5 standing crunches for every article of clothing I put on and when it comes time for me to have to take my meds, I won't eat a full meal. I'm going to buy some granola bars, but I'll have to hide them from my roommate because that girl ate ALL of them the last time I bought them... shhhhhheesh. I can't do the whole fiber diet because I'm in class and fiber can be dangerous if you can't go when you have to go - lol. I can try a diet pill of some sort but they all sound the same to me and I just don't know how a simple little pill can really help a girl in my situation. I am currently taking One-a-Day Women's Active Metabolism vitamin and it says Dietary Supplement so maybe I should just stick with that because I don't want to over dose on dietary supplements - lol... that would be bad.
My goal is to lose weight the right way and I am recruiting friends of mine to join with me. I mean, every college student could use the exercise. Especially my friends- no offense, we're some lazy people- lol. I want to graduate from college and be able to say that I lose weight. Be proud to look at myself in the mirror again and feel better about myself over all. If I get any bigger, I know I'll end up hitting a huge depression. I'm currently 232 lbs. Yes, I'm a woman and I not only told my pant size- which is probably more like size 20 than 18, lol, but I told my weight. This is embarrassing for me but I will do what I need to do in order to lose the weight.
I don't regret this choice I have made. I think if Operation Blubber Clubber actually starts to work, I'm going to buy myself my very first ipod so I can listen to my jams (wished I could just get Pandora radio) while working out.
Wish me luck... this girl is on a mission and I truly hope that the next time I blog I will have started the operation or even better, lost some weight. A step-by-step might even be in order. I'm going to start right now- salad... here I come!!! BLAM!!!!
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